Leadership is Alive and Well

By: Dan Beckett, Director of Institutional Advancement

While the Marshall Center rightly spends its time and energy sharing the powerful story of George C. Marshall and his impressive leadership legacy, we are incredibly fortunate to see examples of positive leadership all around us.

It starts with our Board of Directors, led by its new Chairman Tom Greenspon. This small group of accomplished professionals and leaders in their own spheres takes on the tough tasks of setting the strategy and direction of our work; ensuring the fiscal health of the organization; and providing guidance to our staff and volunteers.

Our staff members are leaders in their own right, managing the operation of the Marshall Center and ensuring excellence and accountability in all we do. Executive Director Valérie Beaudoin and her team (especially Buzz Baker) lead by example, routinely turning from key tasks like managing the budget to picking up a stray piece of trash blown by the wind off of E. Market St. 

The volunteers who regularly step up to host tours of Dodona Manor, tend the grounds and garden, and repair or replace items across the property lead as well. This impressive group of faithful stewards includes business executives, distinguished military veterans, community leaders and more. They are the glue that holds the Marshall Center together.

Finally, our members and supporters lead in the most powerful way – making it all possible with their generosity. They provide the fuel that keeps our engine running. By carefully stewarding these resources, the Marshall Center team is better positioned to educate and inspire the leaders of today and tomorrow to live out General Marshall’s enduring example of ethical leadership, based on the pillars of Selfless Service, Unwavering Integrity and Visionary Leadership.

The example set by General Marshall is our North Star, keeping us on track and moving forward to share his legacy and example. Leadership is alive and well right here in Leesburg. 


A Leader for All Times


Marshall House Welcome Center Wins BAR Approval